domingo, 30 de maio de 2010

Dance Monkeys, dance.

domingo, 9 de maio de 2010

He is Gay -->

A few days ago, I was walking to the office when I met a guy with a shirt with the following pattern:

"He is gay -->"

Few steps after that, another guy with a friend on the side that the arrow indicates.
Gee! I tought with myself, nowadays is easier identify an asshole than my glorious times, if they had some shirts, wow, I think I have about thirty shirts, but in that time I was a "headbanger", or as I call, "rocker from the sewer", and I liked most the shirts printed with rock bands pictures or skulls.

Now the ideas came where I wanted! Every asshole thinks is the true owner, and of course, as we say here in Sao Paulo, "the last cookie of the package", and I as a "good" "rocker from the sewer" HATED any cultural event popular Brazilian music, at that time the pagode (samba), country, lambada, etc.

I remember, when I got to the wedding party with two friends, were was playing some musics, there was beer, "crazy meat sandwich, little potatoes (appetizer), (at that time could not miss any of this on weddings). But when he started playing "Leandro and Leonardo", ready! End of the party!

Damn! That sucks! A nice little party, some girls to flirt, but the jerks go away because started to play brazilian country music! (??????)

There are things in the life of a asshole that logic does not explain, so, I will not even try to explain what was happening in my little head at the time.

Image source:Camisetas da Hora
note: When I talk about "rocker from the sewer" I was referring to myself, not the "headbangers"

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

The world is truly a place where the weak do not have time

The hard part is not being a jerk, the worst is you think that you is a cool guy and very cool. I am not sure what makes a person become an asshole, but my case, I believe that was because of my libido, the desire to impress the girls.

We all know that many women like fun men, but an asshole, as I was, ends up exaggerating a bit and comes to border on the ridiculous, or even the unbearable.

But please do, even for our stay more interesting reading, check that there are several types of assholes, among the innocent, noxious, the grotesque, etc.. Here I'll tell you things that occurred to me, some relatives and friends, can exaggerate or even lie a little bit, but hopefully with a little laugh of "Presepada" (confusion) of a lifetime.

Warning: My english is terrible